Traditional spill control products are ineffective
- Clay granules, perlite, sand, sawdust, coir & polypropylenes - none are true absorbents, at best they are adsorbents
- Clear up is messy & time-consuming
- Clay granules & perlite are mined. They are finite resources - not sustainable or renewable
- Perlite, sold under a brand name, has to be heated to 900 - 1000°C to make it adsorbent
- Clay granules produce silicate dust which is carcinogenic
- Coir takes a long time to grow, harvesting leads to deforestation & uses a tremendous amount of water
- Polypropylenes are plastic polymers, by definition enormously dangerous to the environment
- Disposal is either to landfill where contamination will leach out, or to industrial incineration
They don't offer value for money - costly to dispose of, time-consuming to use - and bad for the environment